Sunday, March 9, 2014

Brickworld Indy 2014

So I made it to Brickworld Indy today. I've been meaning to go for the last few years, but I'm lazy and have never gotten around to it. 

Upon buying my ticket, I was given this aftermarket gun by Brick Forge:

I'm not the biggest fan of non-Lego bricks, but this is pretty neat. 

I started looking around and made a beeline for a giant mech display near the entrance, and spent about15 minutes talking to the guy who built it. This was my favorite from the display. He gave me a lot of good advice for building a skeleton, and his designs were incredibly detailed and sturdy. I like sturdiness for a mech.

Oh, this? Just some wizards using magic powers to breach a wall. No big deal!

Unsurprisingly, there was a lot of Lego Movie stuff. I especially liked this upscale version of Princess Unikitty.

I was a huge fan of this t-rex and army of reptilians, just going to town on some pathetic humans.

I'm not super into mosaic stuff, but this Legend of Zelda thing was cool. Plus look at Link's adorable pink cheeks! KAWAII DESU (*^▽^*)

Pretty cool Dark Tower sculpture, including a field of roses.

I like the water technique around this little island, and the cool squid with glowing eyes.

Grumpy Cat was there too.

That lava flow technique though.

There was a big display with the Simpsons house, and the builder had expanded it with the power plant, an irradiated spill and a sweet tire fire behind Moe's tavern. I like the official Simpsons house a lot, but this customized part was a lot more fun. Kind of hard to imagine Lego officially sanctioning a nuclear meltdown set.

I didn't see many robotics displays, but this little guy was busy solving a Rubik's cube. Pretty rad!

This M-Tron display was the last thing I looked at before I left, and easily my favorite. The guy in the back is the lead builder, and he'd convinced his building club to help put everything together. The display itself was massive, and had a ton of awesome little details which I will show you now.

Like these dudes leading a conga line.

Or these dudes summoning a genie.

Or this guy who pissed off a bunch of radioactive spiders.

A lot of the displays were technically really neat, but lacked fun little details like these from the M-Tron display, or the dinosaur attack set from earlier in this post. 

Here's the gun I got for attending, being wielded by one of the classic Space guys my friend Merry sent me a couple weeks ago. He's laughing about shooting a heavy weapons specialist with it, but probably not for long.

I didn't actually end up buying anything, because most of the vendors were selling customized minifigs (not super interesting to me) or parts in baggies (hard to sort through, super disorganized) or actual sets (I'd rather spend money on something I couldn't easily pick up at Target or Amazon) or aftermarket minifig stuff (I'm not much of a purist, but I still don't have much interest in a Lego scale version of a Desert Eagle.)

Still, I had a ton of fun and I'm glad I wasn't too lazy to go this year. FUCK YEAH LEGO